Tsukino Mito月ノ美兎
2024 | |
Pitcher★3403rd year (Senior) in the Rainball High School | |
4 games played (4 starts), 11 runs in 25 innings | |
Complete Games:1 Losses:3 Hit Batsmen:1 |
2023 | |
Catcher★3223rd year (Senior) in the Virtual Kansai High School | |
5 games played, 2 hits in 15 at-bats | |
2022 | |
Pitcher★5733rd year (Senior) in the Helesta Royal High School | |
4 games played (4 starts), 4 runs in 22⅔ innings | |
Wins:2 Innings Pitched:22⅔ Strikeouts:26 ERA:1.59 |
2021 | |
Center Fielder★4103rd year (Senior) in the Virtual Kansai High School | |
4 games played, 8 hits in 17 at-bats | |
Stolen Bases:1 |
2020 | |
Pitcher★4643rd year (Senior) in the Virtual Kansai High School | |
3 games played (3 starts), 6 runs in 15 innings | |
Wins:1 Innings Pitched:15 ERA:3.60 |